Friday, April 1, 2011



  1. I really like the middle one. The only thing I can see is you can tell where the each box is so it doesn't look as "banner" like. But I love the colors and the font still.

  2. I like the third one. The color scheme and the way the colors fade together is aesthetically apealing. The dots you added look like stars and the font does a great job to contrast the background--where the background is more organic, the font is more geometric. The composition is done well and I like that you only "shadowed" or repeated a few words in the back, unlike in your middle one where there are repeated, transparent words--if that makes sense. Only thing I would suggest is to make sure it flows into each other and nothing is cut off. Treat it like a long banner, not individual boxes.

  3. I like the second one the best due to the type layout. I also like the "stars" from the third but not so much the text. I think you could make them better by having them lead into one another instead of cutting off every 5in. Perhaps putting the stars in the second one as well, but that could also ruin it so you will need to decide after its done.

  4. i like the second and third one. I like the second one because of the font layouts and the good use of color. I like the third cause well it's purple and has the dots interacting with the type in a fun way

  5. I like the middle one. The star like circles behind it fits the song well. I would change were u can see all the panels.
