Friday, April 1, 2011



  1. Good composition. Colors seem vary vibrant and happy. If that's what you are going for good, if not tone them down some.

  2. I already loved the layout of this one already but the change in color really brings the lyrics a lot more a live into the piece. But I'm with Karl maybe tone them down slightly so it will be less overwhelming

  3. The layout is really good. I think you might want to try a darker blue and see if that helps with the brightness of it.

  4. I like this layout and the balance of this piece, though, to be honest, I actually enjoyed the colors you had before--the more sepia-like tones. I don't know if it was just how it printed, but the first coloring of this one seemed to have so much more going on in the background that added more interest. Overall it's a great composition and aesthetically pleasing to the eye, despite the bold colors.
