Friday, April 1, 2011



  1. The top one looks very nice now that's its black and red.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I like the middle one the best. The colors are more "deadly" than the others, which heightens the idea of cancer being deadly. I also like the yellow highlights of the words and I could follow the song quite easily. The last one looks more like a murder scene and the first one seems a little too geometric for something like this. The middle one has a great balance to it and the background really helps to emphasize the pain that the individual is going through.

  4. I feel like the second one is more true to the sorrowful tone of the song. I, however, feel the first one is the strongest composition. The fist one seems more fluid and complete. I would try to get the second one to feel this way or the first one to seem more mellow as oppose to "heavy" as it does now. I suggest try add some dimension to the second.

  5. I think the middle one fits the song best. The composition is also the best of all 3.
